Key Terms
ePAs are the electronic personnel action forms used by departments to submit payroll, position, and employment status related changes. The ePA form is submitted and routed through Everest, which is powered by K2. This software is utilized for several different UA processes and forms. The ePA form link can be accessed through myBama, by clicking the Employee Tab and navigating to Everest Electronic Personnel Action Forms Section.
The ePA Originator is the individual who submits the ePA form. The ePA Originator becomes the point of contact for the ePA form, receiving system notifications and the completed ePA. There are designated ePA Originator(s) in each department. For instructions, refer to the ePA Form Guide.
Each ePA form routes to multiple approvers. Each approver in the routing is responsible for reviewing the information for accuracy and compliance with certain UA policies. Approvers will receive an email notification when an ePA form is ready for review and an escalation notice will be sent if no action is taken within 3 days. For instructions, approvers can refer to the ePA Form Approver Guide.
The ePA Purpose is a drop-down menu at the top of the ePA form used to communicate the type of change being submitted. The Purpose drives the form layout, i.e. based on the purpose selected, certain fields may collapse. It is very important to select the correct ePA Purpose. For guidance on selecting the appropriate purpose, refer to the ePA Purposes document or contact your HR Partner.
Once the ePA form is submitted by the Originator, the ePA routes through the K2 system to departmental approvers. These approvers are based on the department’s internal guidelines for approving such changes and may vary between departments. Departmental routing can be built with each ePA form or pre-defined for the Originator to select. Once all approvers in the department routing have approved the ePA form, it routes to certain university departments based on the ePA Purpose and employee type. These departments may include, but are not limited to: Budget Office, Office of Academic Affairs, Contract and Grant Accounting, Graduate School Admissions Office, and Human Resources, etc.
If any approver identifies a change is needed, the ePA is routed back to the ePA Originator for rework. If an ePA is returned for a rework, the Originator will receive a Rework Notification email. The Originator will click the link in the email to open the form and review the comments section to see what the approver is requesting. If the approver is requesting a modification to the form, simply update the form, select Resubmit from the drop-down menu and then click Submit. If the approver indicates that the form should be canceled, select Cancel from the drop-down menu and then click Submit. Important! The resubmitted ePA form routes back through ALL approvers in the approval routing. It is possible for this rework cycle to occur multiple times as each approver may be reviewing different aspects of the form. Rework will create delays with the routing of the ePA to Payroll Input.
Once an ePA form is approved by all approvers in the routing, it goes to the Payroll Input queue for processing. Processing of the ePA forms includes a final review and if correct, input of the information on the ePA form into the Banner system. If there are errors, the ePA will be sent back for rework. The ePA Originator will receive an email with the completed ePA to notify them the ePA has been processed.
ePA Originators and Approvers have access to myEverest—a combined Worklist and Tracking Tool. MyEverest allows users to not only action their outstanding ePA’s, but also to track their progression throughout the remainder of the approval process. *Approver access to tracking tool is by request only. For instructions, view the myEverest ePA Form Guide.
Best Practices
As the primary method used to communicate changes needed to employee records in Banner, the ePA form is key to many UA systems and processes functioning properly. Employee records in Banner impact payroll, access to campus privileges, access to accounts and technology, onboarding and much more. Because of this, it is critical for departments to submit ePA forms in a timely manner to ensure employee records are accurate and reflect changes as of the effective date on the ePA form. The following best practices are recommended:
Designating ePA Originators:
Departments are encouraged to have designated individuals responsible for originating ePAs. ePA Originators should have a thorough understanding of the ePA guides, deadlines, and systems associated to their role in the ePA process.
Designating ePA Approvers:
Departments are also encouraged to have designated individuals responsible for approving ePAs. Each approver in the departmental route should also have a thorough understanding of the ePA guides, deadlines, and systems associated to their role in the ePA process. To ensure efficient approval, only those required for approval should be included in the routing. Redundant approvers or those without a specific review function can cause unnecessary delays. Defining expected approval turnaround times for each step in the departmental route will assist ePA Originators with anticipating the ePA routing time. Pre-defined departmental routes can be created by Payroll to support consistent routing of ePAs.
All department users involved with the ePA process should have a comprehensive understanding of the ePA guide(s) associated to their role in the process. These guides contain important information required to properly submit ePA forms and prevent rework. Reworked ePAs cause delays which can impact access to systems, campus privileges, and pay. Departments should allow ample time for training of ePA Originators and Approvers by the other designated users in the department. If there are no other departmental users to support with training, please contact Payroll for assistance.
Defining Communication Process:
Departments should have a defined process for how decisions impacting employee records (pay, position, employment status, etc.) are communicated to their designated ePA Originator(s). This process should promote efficient communication of accurate information from decision makers within the department to the ePA Originator to ensure timely, accurate ePA submissions. The decision makers and ePA Originators should all understand the requirements of the ePA form, approval routing process, payroll processing deadlines and negative impact to the employee of late submissions. Departments regularly submitting ePA forms after the effective date on the form should review their internal process for communicating and initiating ePAs.
Submission Timelines:
ePA Originators should submit the ePA form as soon as they are aware of the change needed to the employee record. This is to allow as much time as possible for an ePA to route through the assigned approvers and be processed by Payroll prior to the effective date on the form. If multiple ePAs are needed for the employee, they should be submitted for processing in sequential order based on the effective dates of the changes.
Status Tracking:
Though ePAs should be submitted as soon as possible, Originators should also be mindful of payroll processing schedules if the ePA is a pay related change. It is the ePA Originator’s responsibility to monitor the ePA through the approval routing to ensure the ePA progresses as needed to be reflected on the intended pay date. ePAs can be tracked by the Originator through myEverest. Payroll processing details and ePA locked for processing periods can be found on the Payroll Schedules page. ePAs not entered by Payroll Input before the locked for processing period for the intended pay date will create a delay in pay for the employee. If the department is aware of a late ePA, they should notify the employee of the impact to their upcoming paycheck.
Resources & Instructions
Access to Forms & Systems
Faculty Instructions for Summer
Instructions for Summer School Teaching ePAs
Instructions for Summer Research ePAs
Instructions for Summer Administrative ePAs
Video Tutorials
Accessing an ePA via Email Notification (Approvers)
Accessing an ePA via myEverest (Approvers)
PageUp to Banner Interface
In 2022, UA launched a multi-phased project to automate the transfer of data from the PageUp applicant tracking system to an ePA, and then to Banner. This project aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of appointment ePAs by removing redundant steps and manual processing. With this integration, information entered in the PageUp offer card is used to create / update the employee record in Banner, eliminating additional steps by the hiring department.
The appointment ePA initiates other UA processes related to employee onboarding. Improved timeliness with these ePAs will also allow other UA departments to support new hires and hiring departments to have a seamless onboarding experience.
Main Changes for PageUp Users:
· PageUp offer cards now have additional fields that were previously not required to create the offer letter but are now needed for the ePA. Like an ePA, the formatting and accuracy of the data entered in these fields is extremely important.
· All offer cards should be completed and reviewed as if the ePA is going to be automated. Departmental financial approvers now complete their review, designation of funding, and approval in the offer card. Automated ePAs will not route to the departmental approvers for additional review.
· PageUp users will need to depend on system generated emails to know if an ePA has been automated or if action is required by the department. The individual designated as the ‘ePA Point of Contact’ on the offer card will receive these communications.
Below are guides to outline how certain steps in the PageUp Offer Card creation and approval process are now slightly different to allow for ePA automation where possible.
PageUp to Banner Interface Guides
Creating Offers for Approval – Best Practices for ePA Automation
Reviewing & Approving Offer Cards – Best Practices for ePA Automation