Category: HR News

Changes to Retiree and Departing Faculty/Staff Email Accounts

Access to email account after departure from the University Effective Feb. 1, 2022, an update to the University’s Terms of Use for Electronic Accounts to provide enhanced security and efficient management of information technology systems and resources will require the following changes to University email accounts upon separation from the University: Non-retirement departures Faculty…

University Spring 2022 Operations

After a successful fall semester, The University of Alabama will resume operations on Jan. 4, with spring semester classes beginning Jan. 12. As national and local coronavirus transmission rates have increased, some updates to existing protocols are necessary and now in effect:   The University Covid Support Program (CV19)remains open for consultation and guidance at…

Paid Parental Leave Announcement

The Paid Parental Leave Policy supports the University’s work-life balance efforts and will be effective Jan. 1, 2022. The new leave will provide eligible employees up to four work weeks (20 days/160 hours maximum) of paid leave time for recovery from childbirth and/or to bond with their newborn child, adopted child, or a child placed…

UA Employee Vaccine Requirement Suspended

To comply with multiple federal mandates, UA implemented an employee COVID-19 vaccination requirement on Oct. 22. Specifically, President Biden’s Executive Order 14042 mandates that employees of federal contractors are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) mandated vaccination of employees of health care facilities. Federal courts have…

Paid Parental Leave Policy in the Works

The University of Alabama has approved the creation of a policy that will allow for four weeks of paid parental leave for all benefits-eligible, full-time and part-time employees. The Department of Human Resources and Office for Academic Affairs are currently drafting this policy with an anticipated effective date of Jan. 1, 2022. This proposed policy…

UA Will Provide Employees Campus-funded COVID Leave in 2021

UA President Dr. Stuart Bell has authorized The University of Alabama to provide faculty and staff 2021 COVID leave time to replace the federal benefits that expired Dec. 31. The University-provided 2021 COVID Leave helps employees affected by COVID-related illness and complications, and replaces a similar program provided by federal law, allowing employees up to…

2021 COVID-19 Accommodation Form Now Available

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, older adults and people of any age who have certain underlying medical conditions are considered to be members of a ‘vulnerable population’ that are or might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.  For more details on the CDC’s definition of ‘vulnerable population,’ please visit…

Important Update on Returning to Campus

Remote employees should plan campus return by Nov. 9 Based on the current campus and community transmission rate, the University has loosened many restrictions and expanded opportunities thanks to the resilience, diligence and resourcefulness of our faculty, staff, and students.   Many faculty and staff have returned to work on campus, and supervisors have been…