Category: HR News

UA Performance Communication System (UA PCS) will be decommissioned Jan. 30, 2023

Human Resources is excited to announce new improvements to our performance review process for staff employees. These improvements will go into effect for our current performance review cycle. We undertook this effort, in part, as a response to our University’s new strategic plan that includes a refreshed objective, “Develop robust continual performance evaluation practices for…

UA Improves Annual Leave Accrual for Non-Exempt Employees

As part of the University’s commitment to improving human resources systems through its HReimagined initiative, regular, benefits eligible non-exempt employees are now able to accrue more leave earlier in their service with UA and reach the maximum accrual sooner as well. “The enhancement to accrued annual leave for our non-exempt employees was wholeheartedly endorsed by…

2022 Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Policy Summary for Faculty and Staff

All members of the University community are encouraged to pursue their individual and collective goals in a healthy work and educational environment, one that is free of the effects of alcohol and substance abuse.   Such abuse adversely affects the University’s achievement of its mission and will not be condoned.  As part of its effort to…

HR Announces Employee Performance Review Changes

Improvements to the performance review process are coming, and supervisors are encouraged to Kick-Start the Conversation with their employees.  Changes include a more direct focus on job responsibilities, the addition of behavioral expectations, and a new five-tier rating scale. “The changes to the performance review are the result of an update to the UA Strategic…

HReimagined Progress Continues

As part of the HReimagined initiative, the Human Resources Office is making strides in retaining and supporting high-quality employees through strategic efforts. Included is some $40 million for faculty and staff pay raises allocated earlier this year with support from President Stuart R. Bell. As part of that compensation investment, in April UA approved a…

New Leave Management System

The Department of Human Resources is excited to announce the launch of a new, state-of-the-art leave management system (AbsenceTracker). AbsenceTracker is a cloud-based system with an intuitive employee self-service interface and a mobile-friendly platform. A leave management system is a top transformation priority of the on-going HReimagined initiative that will enhance and streamline existing HR…

UA Increases Employee Minimum Wage

The University of Alabama will increase its staff minimum wage to $14 per hour effective April 3, and again to $15 an hour in January 2023. The change applies to regular benefits eligible non-exempt employees and will impact more than 350 individuals. “This salary adjustment for our lowest paid staff employees is the first step…

HR Launches New Employee Dashboard

Check out the redesigned and user-friendly employee dashboard. This replaces most of the items previously stored under the “Employee Services” folder, including an interface for accessing employee related items such as pay stubs, leave reports, job information and much more. Learn more about the dashboard in the user guide.   

Statement of Economic Interest

February 17, 2022 The State of Alabama Ethics Commission requires employees of The University of Alabama to complete an annual Statement of Economic Interests (SEI) form if they met at least one of the criteria listed below during the 2021 calendar year: Persons whose base rate of pay at any time during calendar year 2021…

Truth-In-Salary Statement, W-2 Available Online

The University is committed to providing its employees with a comprehensive benefits package.  The Truth in Salary Statement is a comprehensive summary of your salary and benefits for the fiscal year October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021.  State law requires this information be provided based on benefits received during the previous fiscal year. To view…