Mandatory Retirement Plan 401(a)
The University of Alabama is a participating employer with the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) part of the Retirement Systems of Alabama (RSA). All eligible employees in a non-temporary position who work at least one-half time (0.5 FTE) are required by law to participate and contribute a percentage of their gross annual salary to the 401(a) defined benefit plan administered by TRS (Code of Alabama 1975, Chapter 25). Once an employee begins participation in TRS, contributions are required on all future employment even if position changes to temporary or seasonal/irregular.
Tier 1 Membership | Tier 2 Membership | |
Hire Date | Prior to Jan. 1, 2013 | On or after Jan. 1, 2013 |
Contribution Rate | 7.5% regular employee 8.5% fire and law enforcement | 6.2% regular employee 7.2% fire and law enforcement |
Retirement Eligibility | 10 years of service at age 60, or 25 years of service at any age | 10 years of service at age 62, or 30 years of service at any age, subject to retirement benefit reduction |
Sick Leave Conversion | May convert maximum of 1 day per month of service credit | May convert maximum of 1 day per month of service credit |
Retirement Benefit Cap | Not applicable | 80% of average final salary |
This defined benefit program provides retired employees with a specific benefit payable monthly for the lifetime of the member. Upon service retirement, employees are also eligible to join the state’s Public Education Employee Health Insurance Plan (PEEHIP). Individuals resigning from employment before “vesting” in the program and qualifying to receive retirement benefits, may request a refund of their contributions and applicable interest. Members may also request to have contributions rolled over to another qualifying retirement plan.
For more information about the 401(a) retirement plan, contact the Benefits Office at (205) 348-7732 or speak to a TRS retirement advisor at (877) 517-0020 or visit
Optional Retirement Plans
The University of Alabama is proud to offer our employees two, optional retirement savings plans provided by one of the leading financial services companies in the country: TIAA. All employees may choose to contribute to one and/or both the 403(b) or 457(b) retirement plans, contributing up to the maximum amount allowed by federal law to each plan. The majority of plan participants choose to take advantage of pre-tax contributions, but Roth post-tax contributions are available as well. All contributions are made via payroll deduction.
403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity
Part of The University of Alabama System Retirement PlanA 403(b) tax-sheltered annuity (TSA) plan is generally offered to employees of public schools, including universities and other certain tax-exempt organizations. You may contribute pre-tax or post-tax Roth. UA offers a matching contribution of up to 5% of gross monthly pay for all regular, full-time faculty and exempt staff contributions. Contributions above 5% are not matched. Regular, full-time non-exempt staff, post doctoral staff, temporary and/or part-time employees may participate in the 403(b) but are not match-eligible. The 403(b) plan is subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty if you take distributions before you reach age 59 1/2, unlike the 457(b).

457(b) Deferred Compensation
Part of The University of Alabama System Retirement PlanA 457(b) deferred compensation plan is generally offered to government public service employees, including state universities. Like the 403(b), 457(b) plans also allow you to deposit pre-tax funds and have them grow tax-deferred until you withdraw them, or you may choose to contribute on a Roth post-tax basis. A 457(b) is similar to a 403(b), but has a few key differences—like the ability to make early withdrawals at any age without penalty, and the University does not offer employer matching contributions for the 457(b) plan so the overall annual contribution limit is lower.

InfoHow To Enroll
To enroll with TIAA, employees should login to myBama and navigate to the Employee page, then select the TIAA logo under Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans. Employees may also enroll by contacting the TIAA financial consultants listed below. Enrollment guides with step-by-step instructions are available to help you navigate the TIAA dashboard to setup or change your salary deferral. Call TIAA at 800-842-2252 for additional assistance.
Annual Contribution Limits
Each year, the Internal Revenue Service sets a limit on the amount of money you can voluntarily contribute on a pre-tax and Roth post-tax basis to these optional retirement savings plans. These limits apply to all pre-tax/Roth post-tax contributions you make to any (401(k), 403(b) and 457(b)) plans that the University and other employer you might have during the year.
2025 Contribution Limits | 403(b) Plan Limit | 457(b) Plan Limit | 403(b) and 457(b) Combined Limits |
Employees under age 50 | $23,500 | $23,500 | $47,000 |
Employees age 50 – 59 | $31,000 | $31,000 | $62,000 |
Employees age 60 – 63 | $34,750 | $34,750 | $69,500 |
Employees age 64+ | $31,000 | $31,000 | $62,000 |
Retirement Systems of Alabama
The Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) also offers a standalone 457(b) plan known as RSA-1. For additional information, visit Separate enrollment is required.
Schedule an Appointment Today!
TIAA has implemented a new scheduling system for virtual appointments that offers more flexibility and available appointments to University of Alabama staff.
If would like to schedule a virtual Zoom appointment with UA’s TIAA Financial Consultants, click the links below and schedule directly on their Outlook calendars. After clicking the scheduling link, you will use your TIAA login credentials to book your appointment:
If you would like an in-person meeting on campus, visit and search under YOUR EMPLOYER (The University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa) for availability.
In-person meetings are held at various times each month in conference room 1019 of the HR Administration Building located on the University Services campus at 1670 Ruby Tyler Parkway, Tuscaloosa AL 35404.
exclamationLogin Credentials May Be Needed
If you do not already have an existing TIAA account setup, you will either need to first enroll in the 403(b) and/or 457(b) retirement plans at, or you may call 1-800-732-8353 to initial schedule an appointment without login credentials.
Planning for Retirement?
The University of Alabama employees are members of the Teachers’ Retirement System of Alabama (TRS). UA’s Benefits Office has developed two helpful guides to assist you with the retirement process. We encourage you to save and/or print these guides for future reference:
- The Member Online Services Guide to assist you in setting up your online account and calculating your retirement benefit estimate;
- The Retirement Planning Guide which illustrates three easy steps to retirement once you are within two years of your anticipated retirement date.
InfoImportant Retirement Reminders
- Contact TRS and the Benefits Office once you confirm a retirement date
- Notify your department in writing (non-exempt employees should give at least a 2 week notice, exempt employees should give at least a 30 day notice)
- Contact Social Security, if applicable
- Contact TIAA and RSA-1, if applicable
TRS Retirement Seminars
Retirement Within One (1) Year:
Contact the UA Benefits Office immediately. If you are certain that you are going to retire and time does not permit the appointment with TRS retirement counselor, contact the Benefits Office to schedule an appointment with a Benefits Specialist. This meeting should occur at least 30 days prior to your retirement target date but no more than 90 days prior to that date (the 1st day of any month). Throughout the year TRS also conducts one-on-one counseling sessions and group meetings to help members prepare for retirement. More information is available online at
Early to Mid Career Seminars: A free half-day, Early to Mid-Career Seminar for TRS members who have 1 to 19 years of service is designed to help you start planning early for a successful and rewarding retirement.
Within Five (5) Years of Retirement: Attend the free, full-day Retirement Preparation Seminar offered by TRS. A free half-day, Early to Mid-Career Seminar for TRS members who have 1 to 19 years of service is designed to help you start planning early for a successful and rewarding retirement. You may also want to make a 20 minute, individual counseling appointment with a TRS Retirement Counselor. Counseling appointments are free on a first-come, first-serve basis in Montgomery, AL.
Social Security FAQs
How do I start my Social Security retirement benefits?
You must apply, as benefits will not start until you file an application. To file an application, you can apply online, call the Social Security Administration, or visit a local Social Security office. Additional information is available at to assist you.
When do I file for Social Security retirement benefits?
You can start receiving benefits as early as age 62, but there is no “best age” for everyone – ultimately it is your choice. Review information about starting your retirement benefits early subject to an age reduction penalty. You may also want to consider other important things when planning for retirement.
How will I receive my Social Security retirement benefits payments?
Federal law mandates all benefit payments, including Social Security, must be made electronically. Additional information about direct deposit is available for review at
Do I need to provide any documents when I sign up for Social Security?
Yes. You will be required to provide specific information about yourself and documents. A detailed list of information and documents is available at for your reference.
What happens if I work while receiving retirement benefits?
You will continue to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes pay regardless of your age. You may be subject to a yearly retirement earnings limit depending upon your age. Review FAQs for additional information about earnings effect on retirement benefits.
Teachers’ Retirement System FAQs
How do I setup my qualified beneficiary?
After you are automatically enrolled as a TRS member, you will receive a beneficiary designation form in the mail. New members designate a primary and contingent beneficiary on this Designation of Beneficiary Prior to Retirement form. If the member wishes to change the beneficiary designation(s), the appropriate portions of a Designation of Beneficiary Prior to Retirement form must be completed with the member’s signature acknowledged by a notary public. Notary Service can be obtained at the Benefits Office located in the HR Administration Building (1670 Ruby Tyler Parkway) or you may obtain a Notary elsewhere. Additional information is available on p. 7 of the TRS Member Handbook.
What is the Teachers’ Retirement System of Alabama (401(a) Plan)?
The Alabama Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS), is a 401(a) defined benefit plan that provides disability and service retirement benefits to members and survivor benefits to qualified beneficiaries. Member participation is mandatory for an employee working in a regular, non-temporary capacity on at least one-half time basis (0.5 FTE, or full time equivalency). Enrollment is automatic upon hire. Once an employee begins participation in TRS with any qualified employer, the employee is required to continue contributing to TRS on future employment wages even if the position is temporary or seasonal/irregular. Additional information about membership and participation is available on p. 6 of the TRS Member Handbook.
Is there a maximum compensation limit for computing retirement benefits?
Am I a Tier 1 or a Tier 2 employee?
Does the employer contribute to the plan on my behalf?
As a participating agency, UA is required by law to contribute a percentage per participant per month. Review employer cost rates by membership tier.
What does “vesting” mean?
Vesting means the member has earned enough service credit to be eligible for a lifetime retirement benefit other than a refund of contributions. Members have a vested status in the TRS after accumulating 10 years of creditable service. Members cannot convert unused sick leave to retirement service credit in order to meet the minimum 10 years of service required for vesting. Review the TRS Member Handbook for additional information.
What happens if I leave UA before "vesting"?
Review the TRS Member Handbook section on Termination of Service (p. 10 – 11) for additional information about options when a member terminates employment prior to retirement eligibility. Contact the Benefits Office for assistance at (205) 348-7732.
What are the different types of retirement?
Review the TRS Member Handbook section on Retirement Benefits (p. 17 – 19) for additional information about service retirement and/or disability retirement options.
Can I take a loan or hardship distribution?
No, there are no such provisions for loans or hardship withdrawals from this plan.
What happens to my account if I die?
Review the TRS Member Handbook section on Death of a Member Prior to Retirement (p. 15 – 16) for additional information about available options when a member dies prior to retirement. It is critical for employees to ensure beneficiary information on file with TRS remains accurate. Beneficiaries may contact the Benefits Office for assistance at (205) 348-7732.
Can I enroll in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP)?
No, TRS stopped accepting DROP applications March 24, 2011 following the passage of Act 2011-27.
If I retire can I get medical insurance?
Yes, a comprehensive plan provided by the Public Education Employees’ Health Insurance Plan (PEEHIP) is available to all retirees with coverage effective the date of retirement. Review the TRS Member Handbook section on PEEHIP (p. 35) for additional information. You may also seek health plan options that are available through the healthcare marketplace ( Employees planning for retirement should contact the Benefits Office for assistance at (205) 348-7732.
How many unused sick leave days can I convert to retirement service credit?
Members may convert a maximum of one day of sick leave into retirement for every month of TRS service credit (e.g., 12 years of creditable service in TRS = 144 months of service credit and eligible to convert 144 sick leave days). NOTE: You may accumulate more days than will be eligible to convert based on TRS’ sick leave conversion provision. Review the TRS Member Handbook section on Sick Leave Conversion (p. 20) for a chart with additional information.
How do I apply for retirement?
You will be required to complete the Service Retirement Application Packet Part I to initiate the retirement process with TRS. The completed application must be received by TRS no less than 30 days or more than 90 days prior to the effective date of retirement. Retirement Application Deadlines are listed on the TRS website. The application should be submitted through the Benefits Office because it requires employment certification and notarization. If retiring due to disability, you and your doctor will need the Disability Retirement Application Packet Part I and Report of Disability Packet. Please contact the Benefits Office at 205-348-7732 to schedule an appointment with a Benefits Specialist who will guide you through the process, provide the forms and answer your questions.
Where can I obtain additional information about the Alabama Teachers’ Retirement System?
Please review the TRS Membership Handbook for additional information.
Benefits Available to UA Retirees
- University Recreation Center and Aquatic Center membership(s)
- University Club Membership
- Alabama Credit Union Membership
- Football Ticket Priority and access to all athletic, musical and theatrical events
- Educational benefit for spouse and dependents (Policy)
- Use of all University Libraries
- Supply Store Privileges/Discounts
- Parking Privileges (Free Gold Hangtag)
- Membership with The University of Alabama Retiree Association (TUARA)