Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA)?

A FWA is a pre-approved arrangement in which an employee performs their regular job duties outside the unit’s standard work schedule, or from an alternative work location while ensuring that business and operational needs are not adversely impacted and/or may be enhanced by the flexible work arrangement.

What are the types of Flexible Work Arrangements?

A FWA includes either a Flexible Work Schedule or a Flexible Work Location.

What is a Flexible Work Schedule?

A Flexible Work Schedule describes a recurring adjustment to the employee’s standard work schedule. Such revised schedules must align with operational needs of the position and the unit and allow for appropriate oversight of employee work assignments.

What is a Flexible Work Location?

A Flexible Work Location is an approved work location (e.g., an employee’s home) other than the traditional on-site arrangement.

What are the types of Flexible Work Locations?

Remote Hybrid – A work arrangement lasting longer than six weeks approved through the Flexible Work Arrangement Review Process that authorizes an employee to perform their regular job duties from both an on-campus and an approved off-campus location per an established schedule. An employee approved for a Remote Hybrid Arrangement must be able to return to the primary work location within a reasonable time upon notice. (Arrangements that are shorter than six weeks may be considered under chapter 11 Section XXVI of the Employee Handbook entitled Telecommuting.)

Remote Full – A work arrangement approved through the Flexible Work Arrangement Review Process that authorized an employee to perform their regular job duties on a continuous basis (100% of the time) from an approved remote work location only in situations where mission critical needs must be met, and other viable options doo does not exist or are significantly limited. Remote full arrangements are expected to be used strategically and generally only in exceptional circumstances.

What is the Flexible Work Arrangement Review Process?

The process used by the Vice President (or designee) and Human Resources to evaluate the feasibility of a remote work arrangement.

What is the scope of the Flexible Work Arrangement Policy?

The FWA Policy applies to regular, temporary and contingent on-call staff. The policy does not apply to faculty.

Are all position types or classifications eligible to request a Flexible Work Location?

No. A FWA may be appropriate for some employees and some jobs, but not all employees and all jobs. A FWA is not a right of employment and will not be available to all employees.

What are the eligibility factors when considering a Flexible Work Arrangement?

Several factors will be used when considering the feasibility of flexible work arrangements. Campus, students, and workforce needs must be the primary and first considerations. Other factors to consider should include, but not be limited to, the:

  • position’s job duties;
  • need for in-person interaction with students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, clients, vendors, agencies, or customers;
  • position’s ability to be performed independently of others with minimal need for support;
  • ability to measure by quantitative and/or qualitative means or results-oriented standards;
  • employee’s most recent performance review rating of “meets expectations” or higher (a single category rating of below “meets expectations” may be considered by the Vice President or their designee as a disqualifier for a flexible work arrangement);
  • employee’s conduct;
  • remote location allows the employee to report to the office within a reasonable period of time, if needed;
  • supervisor’s ability to manage the employee effectively;
  • supervisor’s ability to ensure the office is adequately staffed and physically open for business during the unit’s normal operating hours;
  • operational constraints of the unit (e.g., hours, location, equipment/tools, or access to documents, etc.); and
  • University and employee's ability to ensure the arrangement can comply with applicable state and federal laws.

Additional considerations regarding the Position, Person and Place may be found on the Human Resources Flexible Work Arrangement webpage.

Are Flexible Work Arrangements available for child and/or dependent care purposes?

No. Flexible work arrangements are not intended as a substitute for childcare or dependent care. Employees are expected to plan for child and/or dependent care as needed and appropriate to be fully present, responsive, and professional during regular business hours.

Are there special considerations for a Flexible Work Location out-of-state?

An employee approved for a Flexible Work Location must be able to return to the primary work location within a reasonable time upon notice. Any employee approved for a Remote Full arrangement to work outside of Alabama will be subject to the laws and regulations of other states with respect to the employer/employee relationship. Supervisors must complete the Out-of-State Work Location Request Form in DocuSign in advance beforesubmitting a Flexible Work Arrangement Request. Review important information about out-of-state employment.

What is a Flexible Work Agreement?

The agreement that outlines the flexible work arrangement for an individual employee, signed by both employee and Vice President or their designee. A Flexible Work Agreement is required for an employee to be approved for a Flexible Work Schedule or Flexible Work Location. By signing the Flexible Work Agreement, an employee agrees to continue to meet the same performance expectations and the University’s Standards of Behavior; and to maintain work hours, duties, and responsibilities consistent with their role. Flexible Work Agreements shall be subject to review on an annual basis. An earlier review may be necessary when there are organizational or supervisory changes.

What if the request for a Flexible Work Arrangement is due to a health-related reason?

The HR Business Partner should be consulted if a request for any type of Flexible Work Arrangement is based on health-related reasons to ensure compliance with relevant laws and policies, including but not limited to Family Medical Leave and ADA.

What is the process for a supervisor to request a Flexible Work Arrangement?

Supervisor should review the Flexible Work Arrangement Policy and all training information provided on the Flexible Work Arrangement website found in the HR Managers Toolkit. Then the supervisor will engage in conversation with the second level supervisor and the Vice President or designee. The supervisor and employee should then have a conversation regarding the feasibility of a flexible work arrangement. If all agree the position, person and place are conducive to a flexible work arrangement, the supervisor will submit a Flexible Work Agreement Request Form located on the Flexible Work Arrangement website. Submission of the Flexible Work Agreement Request Form will auto-generate a PDF copy of the final agreement emailed to the employee, first-level supervisor and the HR Business Partner.

NOTE: If a Flexible Work Location arrangement is requested for an employee who plans to work out-of-state, then the Out-of-State Work Location Request Form in DocuSign must be completed and attached when submitting a Flexible Work Agreement Request Form.

Who is responsible for reviewing the Flexible Work Agreements for each department or division?

The immediate, first-level supervisor will build the approval workflow using an employee lookup feature on the Flexible Work Agreement Request Form. The approval workflow may include a second-level supervisor (e.g., Director-level) and must include the Vice President or their designee. The approval workflow is customizable based on business and operational needs of each unit. For non-academic units, an example approval workflow may start with a Manager as first-level supervisor, followed by the Executive Director as the second-level supervisor, and end with final review by the Vice President or their designee. For academic units, an example approval workflow may start with a Department Chair as first-level supervisor, followed by the College Dean as the second-level supervisor, and end with final review by the Provost or their designee.

Can a Flexible Work Arrangement be required of an employee?

Flexible work arrangements are voluntary and should always support a level of performance equal or superior to a traditional onsite arrangement, however, Vice Presidents may establish remote work as a condition of employment based on business needs, e.g., Regional Admissions Recruiters.

Is it possible to change an approved Flexible Work Arrangement?

Yes. Vice Presidents or their designees, in consultation with Human Resources, may modify or terminate the flexible work arrangement early (before the end of the specified term). The employee may also terminate the flexible work arrangement, unless it was a condition of employment, with sufficient notice to department leadership.

Will the University pay for expenses related to an employee working a remote hybrid or remote full arrangement?

The University will not be responsible for operating costs, home maintenance, or other costs incurred by the employee in the use of their homes as a remote work location, unless required by law or other applicable regulations.

Where can I find more information regarding the Flexible Work Arrangement Policy to include any training resources?

All information related to the Flexible Work Arrangement Policy, Review Process, Training, Agreement and more may be found on the Flexible Work Arrangement website found in the HR Managers Toolkit.