Important Reminders
Open Enrollment ended Oct. 31
Open Enrollment ended at 11:59 PM on Thurs., Oct. 31, 2024! Generally, you cannot make changes to your benefits after Open Enrollment. The IRS allows employees covered by UA’s Section 125 cafeteria plan to pay for benefits on a pre-tax salary reduction basis. For UA to keep its tax-favored status, elections must be made annually on a prospective basis and remain irrevocable during the plan year. If you missed your once-a-year opportunity, then you will have to wait until next Open Enrollment unless you experience a qualifying life event (QLE). Exceptions will not be granted due to the risk of jeopardizing UA’s tax-favored status for all employee benefits.
The University of Alabama will continue to offer a simplified annual enrollment process this year, however, there are substantive benefits changes that you are strongly recommended to review in advance. Here are three key points to keep in mind as you prepare to make decisions.
1. ACTION IS REQUIRED if you want to participate in the following tax-favored accounts:
exclamationTax-Favored Accounts Will Not Rollover
Your current HCFSA, DCFSA or HSA election is associated with the 2024 tax year and will not rollover, so you must elect a NEW annual contribution amount to continue payroll deductions as of Jan. 1, 2025. If you fail to elect a new contribution for your HCFSA or DCFSA, then your current account with Inspira Financial will close on Dec. 31, 2024 and you must wait until the next open enrollment period to participate unless you experience a qualifying life event.
2. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED to continue your coverage in the following plans:
- Medical, dental, vision, life, disability, and/or identity protection coverage(s) will continue.
- If you are currently enrolled in these benefits and do not plan to make any changes, then you do not have to take action in Benefitfocus. You will keep your current benefits and these coverage(s) will rollover as-is beginning Jan. 1, 2025.
3. REVIEW YOUR BENEFICIARIES for life, disability and retirement:
Beneficiary information is required in Benefitfocus for your life and disability plans and it’s recommended to review this information annually. You can follow the steps to enroll below to login to Benefitfocus, then click the ‘Manage Your Beneficiaries‘ button on your Benefitplace dashboard.
You should also annually review beneficiary information for your retirement plans, and you can manage this with each specific carrier – Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) for the mandatory 401(a), and/or TIAA for optional 403(b) and/or 457(b) plans.
Update Your Beneficiary with TRS
Notarized Form Is RequiredComplete the Designation of Beneficiary Form – Prior to Retirement, notarize and return form directly to TRS at PO Box 302150, Montgomery, Alabama 36130-2150.

Update Your Beneficiary with TIAA
Access Your Online DashboardLogin to your TIAA dashboard from the Employee page in myBama, then select ‘Profile’ and ‘Manage Beneficiaries‘ to review and update.

Campus-Wide Information Sessions
Date | Time | Location |
Sept. 25, 2024 | 1:30 – 2:30 pm | In-Person* or Virtual |
Oct. 3, 2024 | 3:00 – 4:00 pm | In-Person* or Virtual |
Oct. 11, 2024 | 10:30 – 11:30 am | In-Person* or Virtual |
Oct. 23, 2024 | 12:00 – 1:00 pm | In-Person* or Virtual |
How to Enroll in Benefitfocus

Benefitfocus is available via single sign-on from the Employee page in myBama. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to enroll online.
Your Benefitfocus online dashboard is available 24/7/365. Any changes made to benefits during Open Enrollment will be effective Jan. 1, 2025.
Login to myBama
Navigate to your Employee page
Click Benefitfocus logo for single sign-on
Click the Open Enrollment button
Select Get Started link to see plan options
Complete and save your benefits enrollment!
check markBenefitplace Mobile App
We’ve simplified the enrollment process with mobile access! Employees may also use single sign-on with the Benefitplace mobile app. Download the app, enter Company ID: UA-Benefitfocus, and login with your myBama username and password plus required Duo two-factor authentication.

Health Plan Changes
UA employees will continue to have a CHOICE in medical plans between the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan or the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) option! The HDHP is an increasingly popular choice – approximately 26% of eligible employees who enrolled in medical insurance this year selected the HDHP.
The following plan design changes will be effective Jan. 1, 2025:
PPO Member Cost Share
The first-dollar deductible will increase from $400 to $500 per person per year.
The annual out-of-pocket maximum for in-network services will increase to $6,000 for employee only, and $17,160 for family plans.

PPO Copayments
Copayments will increase for the following services:
- Inpatient Admission: $500
- Outpatient Surgery: $250
- Emergency Room Visit: $250
- Specialist Office Visit: $60

HDHP Member Cost Share
The first-dollar deductible* will increase to $1,700 for employee only, and $3,400 for family plans.
The annual out-of-pocket maximum for in-network services will increase to $4,500 for employee only, and $9,500 for family plans.

In addition to a required first-dollar deductible* increase, the IRS also announced an increase for the HSA annual contribution limit. The once-per-year employer contribution (seed money) will remain the same at $500 for employee only and $1,000 for family tiers.
Pharmacy Changes
Increased Copayments: Approximately 85% of prescriptions filled by UA employees and covered dependent(s) are for generic drugs, but brand and specialty drugs are driving plan costs. As a result, copayments for PPO plan members will increase for brand and specialty drugs. Copayments do not apply to the HDHP medical plan which will continue to have a 20% coinsurance after deductible.
Prescription Drug Tier | 2024 Copayment | 2025 Copayment |
Tier 2 – Preferred Brand | $45 | $55 |
Tier 3 – Non-Preferred Brand | $65 | $75 |
Tier 4 – Specialty | $125 | $150 |
Formulary Change [10/11/2024 Update]: Due to a recent decision by Prime Therapeutics to make material changes to SourceRx formularies next year, the University’s original decision to change formularies no longer aligns with the best interests of our employees and health plans. As a result, both medical plans will remain on the current NetResults 1.0 formulary for plan year 2025. Consideration of formulary changes will be deferred to future plan years.
Review the NetResults 1.0 prescription drug list for Large Group Plans on the Blue Cross and Blue Shield website. Select the 4 tiers – standard option.
InfoFormulary Changes and Limitations
Prime Therapeutics adjusts all prescription drug lists four (4) times per year, with more significant changes typically effective Jan. 1 and July 1 each year. No formulary will cover all available prescription drug, so the clinical appeals process is available for members with specific needs.
Employee Premiums
For many years, UA employees have benefited from flat medical premiums. The PPO rates have remained unchanged since 2021, while the HDHP rates have remained unchanged since 2020. In comparison, other large employers routinely increase premiums each year to offset the rising costs of medical and pharmacy inflation.
For 2025, UA will increase employee premiums for both the PPO and HDHP medical plans based on coverage tiers. Detailed rate comparison charts are included in expandable menus below.
- Employee Only: +$5 per month increase
- Family without Spouse (Employee + Child(ren)): +$16 per month increase
- Family with Spouse (and/or Child(ren)): +$19 per month increase
Rates for Non-Exempt Staff
The following rates are for non-exempt, bi-weekly paid staff employees only. The premiums are collected over 24 paychecks per year, the 1st and 2nd bi-weekly pay period each month.
PPO Medical Plan Tier | 2024 Rate | 2025 Rate |
Employee Only | $58.00 | $60.50 |
Family without Spouse | $203.00 | $211.00 |
Family with Spouse | $239.00 | $248.50 |
HDHP Medical Plan Tier | 2024 Rate | 2025 Rate |
Employee Only | $28.50 | $31.00 |
Family without Spouse | $99.00 | $107.00 |
Family with Spouse | $117.00 | $126.50 |
Vision Tier | 2024 Rate | 2025 Rate |
Employee Only | $2.94 | $2.93 |
Employee + One | $5.43 | $5.38 |
Full Family | $9.49 | $9.43 |
Rates for Exempt Staff, 9-over-12 Faculty and 12-month Administrative Faculty
The following rates are for professional exempt staff, 9-over-12 faculty with salary deferral, and 12-month administrative faculty. The premiums are collected over 12 paychecks per year.
PPO Medical Plan Tier | 2024 Rate | 2025 Rate |
Employee Only | $116.00 | $121.00 |
Family without Spouse | $406.00 | $422.00 |
Family with Spouse | $478.00 | $497.00 |
HDHP Medical Plan Tier | 2024 Rate | 2025 Rate |
Employee Only | $57.00 | $62.00 |
Family without Spouse | $198.00 | $214.00 |
Family with Spouse | $234.00 | $253.00 |
Vision Tier | 2024 Rate | 2025 Rate |
Employee Only | $5.88 | $5.86 |
Employee + One | $10.86 | $10.76 |
Full Family | $18.97 | $18.86 |
Rates for 9-over-9 Faculty (based on Pay Distribution Cycle election)
The following rates only apply to faculty who chose the non-deferred pay distribution cycle. These rates are accelerated in comparison to the 12-month premiums for exempt staff and other faculty, and only collected on 9 monthly paychecks – September thru May each year.
PPO Medical Plan Tier | 2024 Rate | 2025 Rate |
Employee Only | $154.67 | $161.33 |
Family without Spouse | $541.33 | $562.67 |
Family with Spouse | $637.33 | $662.67 |
HDHP Medical Plan Tier | 2024 Rate | 2025 Rate |
Employee Only | $76 | $82.67 |
Family without Spouse | $264 | $285.33 |
Family with Spouse | $312 | $337.33 |
Vision Tier | 2024 Rate | 2025 Rate |
Employee Only | $7.84 | $7.81 |
Employee + One | $14.48 | $14.35 |
Full Family | $25.29 | $25.15 |
InfoNew rates for medical and vision only
Dental rates for UA’s fully-insured plan with BlueCross and BlueShield will remain unchanged for plan year 2025.
Find Additional Savings
Don't forget! Your Bama Perks employee discount program provides exclusive discounts and opportunities to save with local and national businesses. Bama Perks vendors will require your Action Card to redeem the discount, or may ask you to enter a discount code on their website. Take advantage of additional savings each month to help offset premium increases!

Doctor on Demand
Doctor On Demand by Included Health is an independent company that provides a telehealth mobile app and health services on behalf of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama. It will replace Teladoc services effective Jan. 1, 2025.
In addition to general medicine/urgent care services like those offered by Teladoc, Doctor on Demand will also provide behavioral health and dermatology services. All employees and covered dependent(s) enrolled in UA’s PPO or HDHP medical insurance plan will have access to Doctor on Demand. Fees vary based on visit.

New Vision Carrier
Following a competitive bid process, vision insurance will transition to VSP for all enrolled members effective Jan. 1, 2025. Founded in 1955 by optometrists, VSP provides world-class products and services to more than 80 million lives worldwide.
Vision plan enhancements include a premium decrease with a 4-year rate guarantee, plus higher allowances with new plan design features. VSP will enable a 'connected claims' feature to assist with substantiation of FSA expenses. Employees are encouraged to review the VSP provider network. VSP prioritizes local, private practices so four “big box” retailers will transition to out-of-network. No physical ID card is necessary, but a printed version will be sent in a one-time welcome letter.
One-Time Special Enrollment
For Voluntary Life and Short-Term Disability
The Standard Insurance Company administers University-sponsored life and disability benefits, as well as voluntary employee-paid plans for supplemental coverage. Additional life and disability coverage can help defray the loss of income and help your family maintain the household in the event of your injury/illness or death.
Evidence of insurability (EOI) is a process that involves providing information about your health to a company, like The Standard, to determine if you’re eligible for insurance coverage. EOI is usually required when you’re applying for new or additional coverage, or have previously been declined. The Standard’s EOI process involves answering a detailed questionnaire and may require providing documentation of your medical history for review before making an underwriting decision to approve or deny coverage.
The Standard provides an incentive to newly hired employees who have an opportunity to be automatically approved for voluntary employee and/or spouse life insurance without completing the EOI process up to specified guaranteed issue (GI) limits. Similarly, The Standard incentivizes new employees to elect short-term disability (STD) during their initial enrollment period by waiving the 12-month extended benefit waiting period of sixty (60) days.
For 2025 Open Enrollment, The Standard is offering a one-time special enrollment to all eligible employees for voluntary employee life, voluntary spouse life, and short-term disability without either limitation described above. The following details apply:
Employee Life
Guaranteed Issue (GI) Limit = 3x salary up to a maximum of $500,000
Employees who are not currently enrolled in the plan, or are covered for an amount less than the GI limit, may elect coverage up to this limit without submitting medical evidence, even if EOI was previously submitted and declined.

Spouse Life
Guaranteed Issue (GI) Limit = $30,000
Eligible, dependent spouses who are not currently enrolled in the plan, or are covered for an amount less than the GI limit, may elect up to this limit without submitting medical evidence, even if EOI was previously submitted and declined. Coverage requested above this GI limit would require EOI.

Short Term Disability
Employees who are not currently enrolled in short-term disability may enroll without being subject to the 12-month 60-day extended benefit waiting period. The standard 14- or 29-day waiting period will apply.
In addition, anyone enrolled in the 29-day benefit waiting period can move to the 14-day plan during OE without being subject to an extended benefit waiting period.

InfoEvidence of Insurability Reminder
All life insurance amounts elected over the guaranteed issue (GI) amount during Open Enrollment are subject to medical evidence. EOI is never required for accidental death & dismemberment (AD&D) or child life insurance.