Supervisors Onboarding Guide

Congratulations on hiring your new employee to work for The University of Alabama!

I am the Supervisor of a New Employee

The Department of Human Resources provides hiring managers and supervisors with the tools and resources they need to ensure a smooth hiring process for the department and the potential new employee. Guidance may vary by the type of hire and the department should follow the appropriate procedures. Detailed tips and additional tools are included in the Onboarding Guide for Managers to help you support a new employee’s acclimation into their new role. 

InfoImportant Compliance Reminder

To ensure compliance with applicable laws, the out-of-state employment request process applies to all employees requesting to work for The University of Alabama from a location outside of Alabama. Employees must have an out-of-state location approved before starting work. For additional information, review the Out-of-State Employment page.

Faculty & Staff hired through PageUp or PeopleAdmin will follow the process outlined below:

Offer Stage

The offer letter will include details on how to schedule an onboarding appointment where they will complete the Form I9 and register for orientation. 

Please keep in mind the following:

  • Staff start dates must be on a Monday and cannot be backdated.
  • Faculty, Graduate Teaching Assistants and Graduate Research Assistants typical start dates are 8/16, 1/1 or the first day of the term based on the Academic Calendar.  When these typical dates don’t work, the start date should occur on a Monday.
  • New staff benefits eligible employees must attend New Employee Orientation on their first day. New Faculty Orientation is generally held in August prior to the start of the Academic Year; however, new faculty are also strongly encouraged to attend the general New Employee Orientation sessions which are held every Monday.  Attendance at orientation by non-benefits eligible employees is optional.
  • The ePA must be completed, approved and routed to payroll no later than seven business days prior to their start date. Please account for any departmental/budget delays in meeting this deadline.
  • Additional tools and tips are included in the Onboarding Guide for Managers to help you support a new employee’s acclimation into their new role. 

Onboarding Stage

New hires must attend a pre-employment appointment with the HR Service Center prior to their start date where they will:

  • Complete Form I-9.
  • Register for New Employee Orientation.

Faculty & Staff hired through  ePA Reappointments will follow the process outlined below:

Offer Stage

Please keep in mind the following:

  • Staff start dates must be on a Monday and cannot be backdated.
  • Faculty, Graduate Teaching Assistants and Graduate Research Assistants typical start dates are 8/16, 1/1 or the first day of the term based on the Academic Calendar.  When these typical dates don’t work, the start date should occur on a Monday.
  • The ePA must be completed, approved and routed to payroll no later than seven business days prior to their start date. Please account for any departmental/budget delays in meeting this deadline.
  • Additional tools and tips are included in the Onboarding Guide for Managers to help you support a new employee’s acclimation into their new role. 

Onboarding Stage

Departments are required to check if a new Form I-9 is needed for any reappointments by contacting the department I-9 representative before their start date. If needed, the Form I-9 must be completed before their start date.


Offer Stage

Please keep in mind the following:

  • Supervisors are encouraged to use the Student Employment Template when offering a job to a student employee.
  • Undergraduate Student Assistants, Graduate Student Assistants and Work Study Students start dates must be on a Monday and cannot be backdated. Note: Graduate Teaching Assistants and Graduate Research Assistants start dates are 8/16, 1/1 or the first day of the term based on the Academic Calendar.
  • The ePA must be completed, approved and routed to payroll no later than seven business days prior to their start date. Please account for any departmental/budget delays in meeting this deadline.

Onboarding Stage

The Form I-9 will need to be completed by the department I-9 representative before their start date. Please connect with your department I-9 representative below to verify that this has been completed.

Pre-Employment Appointment

As soon as the offer of employment was accepted, your new employee received instructions on how to register for an onboarding appointment with the HR Service Center. During this appointment your new employee complete their I-9 and register for orientation which will be presented by the Department of Human Resources.

New employee orientation sessions are held on Monday mornings, or immediately after certain University holidays, and the following topics will be covered:

  • Welcome from Dr. Bell and UA leaders
  • UA Mission, Vision, Values, and Capstone Creed
  • Tradition and history of the University
  • Strategic Plan
  • UA Community
  • Code of Conduct
  • HR Resources
  • Learning Management System
  • Wellness and Work-Life
  • Employee Expectations
  • Standards of Behavior
  • Compliance Training
  • EEO, Disability, Title IX, and Freedom of Expression
  • myBama overview
  • Action Card set up info
  • Parking decal info
  • UA Safety resources
  • Detailed overview of Benefits presented by Benefit Specialist(s)

Review the Supervisors Onboarding Guide for Employees

Supervisor Tips for Successful Onboarding at the Department Level

Onboarding is an important milestone in the journey for your new employee as they begin their new career at The University of Alabama. Retaining and engaging the newcomer to be successful and productive in their new role is your responsibility as the supervisor.

Create a Learning Environment

  • When training the new employee on their role and job duties, be sure to include how he/she impacts the unit, college/organization and the University. Understanding how their job role in the big picture adds meaning to the work being done.
  • Assign a peer helper as a resource who can assist with additional training. The peer helper can present information efficiently and adapt to individual learning needs.
  • Have conversations with the new employee about career interests and how they can be developed at the University. Employees are more engaged when they develop a career not just have a job.

Create a Positive

  • Work Environment Work closely with the new hire to manage the stresses and issues s/he may experience while transitioning to the University.
  • Provide regular coaching and feedback for the employee and foster open communication.
  • Discuss the culture of the university and your unit and be sure s/he understands who the decision-makers are and how to communicate within the group as well as externally. 

Develop Performance and Engagement

  • Clearly define performance expectations and outcomes so the new employee will have a good understanding of what to focus on and how to achieve results.
  • Encourage the new employee to learn more about the University so s/he will feel more connected and to build engagement and pride in the University.

Review the Supervisors Onboarding Guide for Employees