Flexible Work Schedule (Reoccurring or regular adjustments to the schedule) and Flexible Work Location (Remote Hybrid: Working both on and off campus with an established schedule for longer than 6 weeks or Remote Full: 100% approved off-campus location with an established schedule for longer than 6 weeks)

Decision Making Authority
Vice Presidents are charged with ensuring the UA campus remains a student-centered academic community that fosters quality, in-person engagement among faculty, staff, and students whenever possible and appropriate. As such, Vice Presidents should factor this expectation into all decision-making when considering flexible work arrangements. Vice Presidents shall have the sole discretion to approve a flexible work arrangement for employees in their areas without right of appeal by the employee. Vice Presidents may delegate this authority to a supervisor one level below. Vice Presidents or their designees, in consultation with Human Resources, may modify or terminate the flexible work arrangement early (before the end of the specified term). The employee may also terminate the flexible work arrangement, unless it was a condition of employment, with sufficient notice to department leadership.
Vice Presidents or their designees will evaluate positions and employees using the Flexible Work Arrangement Review Process. Nothing in this policy requires a Vice President to approve a position or employee for a flexible work arrangement. Vice Presidents or their designees shall have the authority to require a new employee work a standard schedule at the primary work location for a specified period before being considered for a flexible work arrangement. Flexible work arrangements should be voluntary and always support a level of performance equal or superior to a traditional onsite arrangement. The Vice President’s decision-making authority shall be final.
Vice Presidents may establish remote work as a condition of employment based on business needs, e.g., Regional Admissions Recruiters.
Additional Resources and Sample Forms
Required questions for first-level supervisors to as when completing a flexible work agreement K2 form.
This process applies to all employees (faculty, staff and students) requesting to work for The University of Alabama from an out-of-state work location.
Sample of the Out-of-State work location request form to be submitted by first-level supervisors.