Return Leave Report for Correction

Step by Step Instructions: Return Leave Report for Correction (PDF)

1. Go to Employee Dashboard

2. Click on Approve Leave Report

Click on Approve Leave Report

3. Click on Desired Employee Name

Click on Desired Employee Name

4. After Review if Report Needs Correction, You Must Enter a Comment in the Box Provided.

The comment that is entered will be sent in an automated email to the employee informing them, their leave report has been returned for correction. 

After Review if Report Needs Correction, You Must Enter a Comment in the Box Provided.

5. Click on Return for correction

Click on Return for correction

6. Automated Email is Sent to the Affected Employee

Automated Email is Sent to the Affected Employee

7. If You’d Like to add any Confidential Comments You May do so by Entering a Comment in the Box.

Confidential comments can be seen by all approvers within the que, but not the employee. 

If You'd Like to add any Confidential Comments You May do so by Entering a Comment in the Box.

8. Then Check Confidential Comment

Then Check Confidential Comment

9. Click on Submit

Click on Submit