Flexible Work Arrangement Review Process

Supervisor Responsibilities

Several factors will be used when considering the feasibility of flexible work arrangements for regular, temporary, and contingent on-call staff.  Campus, students, and workforce needs must be the primary and first considerations. 

Other factors to consider should include but not be limited to the:


  • How will the position requirements and performance objectives (including participation in meetings, department core office hours, accessibility if working off-site, ensuring customers’ and colleagues’ needs are met, meeting deadlines) be met through the proposed arrangement?
  • How will performance be effectively evaluated with a flexible work arrangement?
  • Will the arrangement create overtime situations or alter other’s schedules?
  • Will the arrangement be supported by other team members and will it impact relationships?
  • Will there be a need for in-person interaction with students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, clients, vendors, agencies or customers? 
  • Will the flexible work arrangements impact service quality or university operations?
  • Will the flexible work arrangements increase the workload for other employees?
  • Can the position be structured to be performed independently of others with minimal need for support?
  • Do you have other employees in similar positions approved for a flexible work arrangement?


  • Does the employee consistently meet expectations?
  • Does the employee have a satisfactory attendance record?
  • Did the employee’s most recent performance review have a rating of “meets expectations” or higher.
  • Has the employee demonstrated the ability to self-motivate and function independently of routine direct supervision?
  • Has the employee exhibited effective time management skills?
  • Will the employee have the ability to limit distractions at the remote work location?
  • Will the individuals’ remote work location have an infrastructure to support a remote work arrangement?


  • Would operational hours and student services be impacted negatively or positively with employees working flexible hours?  
  • Does the remote location allow the employee to report to the office within a reasonable period of time if needed?
  • Is the work site free from distractions or obligations that might make remote work difficult? Is there a plan to handle these concerns?
  • Is there a need for the employee to have immediate access to documents or other information located only in the central workplace?
  • Has the team considered needed and available equipment, calendaring, communication protocols, and IT connectivity and security requirements (including arrangements to maintain confidentiality and security of records, reports, and data)?
  • Have you consulted with Human Resources regarding out of state remote full arrangements to assure compliance with applicable laws? Vice Presidents or their designees must notify Human Resources when considering an employee for an out-of-state remote full arrangement and complete the Out-of-State Remote Work Location Request Form for approval.