W-2, 1095-C Forms and Total Compensation Statements Now Available

W-2 tax forms for the 2024 calendar year are now available in myBama for employees of The University of Alabama. Log in to myBama and navigate to the Employee page, click on the Employee Dashboard, expand the Taxes menu, select W-2 Wage and Tax Statement, select 2024 from the Tax Year drop down box and click on Display. Employees who have not consented to receive their W-2 electronically will receive a printed copy in the mail.

Due to recent regulatory changes, UA will no longer provide a printed copy of Form 1095-C to employees, except upon request. Form 1095 is required as part of the Employer Shared Responsibility Provision in the ACA to verify that eligible employees and any dependent(s) were offered health insurance coverage from UA.‌ Employees may access electronic forms to print in the Health e(fx) portal. Instructions to register for Health e(fx) portal access and additional information about Form 1095-C are available under Benefits FAQs.

Employees who contribute to the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) will also receive a printed copy of their personalized Total Compensation Statement for the 2024 fiscal year (October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024) in the mail soon. The statement illustrates an employee’s total compensation which is comprised of salary and the value of the benefits available to the employee. The statement may also be viewed online in myBama.

If you have questions about the information contained in the W-2, 1095-C, or Total Compensation Statement, please contact the HR Service Center at (205) 348-7732 or hr@ua.edu.