New Leave Management System

The Department of Human Resources is excited to announce the launch of a new, state-of-the-art leave management system (AbsenceTracker). AbsenceTracker is a cloud-based system with an intuitive employee self-service interface and a mobile-friendly platform. A leave management system is a top transformation priority of the on-going HReimagined initiative that will enhance and streamline existing HR processes and maintain campus-wide compliance.

The new system will provide employees and supervisors the tools to request leave and track time off work under the following policies: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Paid Parental Leave, Pregnancy Recovery Leave, Faculty Maternity Leave, On-the-Job Injury (OJI), as well as request accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). AbsenceTracker will not replace the current systems for tracking annual and sick leave usage (e.g., UA e-Time and myBama monthly leave report).

Effective May 29, 2022, all new employee requests for leave under the above listed policies and reasonable accommodations under the ADA should be submitted in AbsenceTracker. Employees on a currently approved leave under the policies listed above will also report time off in the new system. Employees and supervisors will be able to access AbsenceTracker via single sign-on in myBama. Detailed instructions and videos are available on the HR website with additional information about this new system.

AbsenceTracker User Guides

The following instructional guides and videos are available to assist employees and supervisors to begin using the AbsenceTracker Employee Self-Service (ESS) dashboard as of May 29, 2022:

How-To TopicReference GuidesVideos
Requesting a new leaveView Step-by-Step Instructions (PDF)Watch Recording
Requesting a new accommodationView Step-by-Step Instructions (PDF)Watch Recording
Submitting an intermittent time off request (ITOR)View Step-by-Step Instructions (PDF)Watch Recording
Supervisor requesting leave on an employee’s behalfView Step-by-Step Instructions (PDF)Watch Recording
Uploading attachments and case notesView Step-by-Step Instructions (PDF)Watch Recording

Additional information is provided on the HR website under the Family and Medical Leave Act page and Americans with Disabilities Act page.

Direct questions to the HR Service Center at (205) 348-7732 or email