A woman and a child sitting near a window

Lactation Support

Nursing Mothers’ Rooms

The University of Alabama provides nursing mothers’ rooms to support nursing mothers returning to work or school. Each room offers a clean, secure, and private space, other than a bathroom, for women who need to express breast milk during their time on campus. All of the rooms are equipped with a table, chair, and lock from the inside. Individuals should bring with them any needed personal supplies. After using a room, please scan the QR code located in each room to complete a brief survey.

Alston HallAlston Hall, Room 470 (currently under renovation)
Bruno Business LibraryRoom 0019B
Bryant Denny StadiumNorth End 806 and South End 819
Captial HallRoom 1346
Capstone College of NursingCapstone College of Nursing, Room 3084
Capstone Parking DeckRoom 116
Construction Mgmt. and Design (USC)Room 1011
Contract Admin/Furnishing & Design Bldg. (USC) Contract Admin, Room 1007
Cyber HallCyber Hall, Room 1023
Drummond Lyon HallDrummond Lyon Hall, Room 2010
Facilities Administration BuildingFacilities Administration Building, Room 119
Frank Moody MusicMoody Music Building, Room1008
Gorgas LibraryGorgas Library, Room 1004
Greek Assembly HallGreek Assembly Room 1004
H.M. Comer H.M. Comer Hall, Room 2049
Hardaway Hall Hardaway Annex, Room 206
Hewson HallHewson Hall, Room 3045
Human Resources Administration (USC)Human Resources Administration, Room 1022
Julia Tutwiler Hall Julia Tutwiler Hall 1120
Law SchoolLaw Center, Room 165
Little HallLittle Hall, Room 2002
North Lawn2015A North Lawn, Room 2015A
Northeast Medical BuildingNortheast Medical Building, Room 1000
Northport Medical ClinicRoom 106
Peter Bryce MainRoom 1012
Ruby Tyler Services Building (USC)Room 201
Russell HallRussell Hall, Room 0136
Science and Engineering Research ComplexScience and Engineering Complex, Room 1437
Smart Communities and InnovationSmart Communities and Innovation Building #1020
Stallings Center (RISE)RISE Center Room 1107
Student Services CenterRoom 207L
University HallUniversity Hall, Room 1000
University Medical Center-MainHealth Sciences Library
USC Community Safe RoomRoom 1004
University Support East (USC)University Support East Room 372

Pregnant Employee Policy

The University’s policy specifies that employees who are nursing mothers will be provided with a reasonable amount of break time to “pump” or otherwise express breastmilk for their nursing child for up to one (1) year after the child’s birth. Review the policy for additional details about an employee’s rights and supervisor responsibilities. Questions about the Pregnant Employee Policy requirement should be directed to your HR Business Partner.

Request to Create a Nursing Mother’s Room

To make a request to create a space in a University building for a Nursing Mothers’ room, complete a Resource Request Form. Assignment of space for new Nursing Mothers’ Rooms is the responsibility of Space Planning and Management.

Additional Resources

Office on Women’s Health: Breastfeeding Information and Resources
American Academy of Pediatrics Breastfeeding
LaLeche League International
Consumer Affairs: Breastfeeding and Nutrition


Alabama Department of Human Resources Daycare Directory

Designed to provide information about day care centers throughout the state of Alabama. Select a county name from the drop-down menu to obtain a listing of the day care centers.

Capstone Learning Academy

The KinderCare contract is managed by the Enterprise Operations department within the Division of Finance and Operations. Additional details about registration and tuition rates are available in UA News. For more information or to begin the enrollment process, visit the Capstone Learning Academy website and complete the “Contact this center” section, or call 833-905-3276.

Supplemental Tuition Benefit: If you have a child ages 6 weeks to 12 years old, The University of Alabama’s contract with KinderCare provides a 10% savings on full-time, part-time, and drop-in tuition at other KinderCare centers near you (excluding the Capstone Learning Academy), or with Champions extended-day learning programs at participating elementary schools. Find your location, and get the routine, stability, and peace of mind you need.

The Child Development Research Center

Completed in the summer of 2005, CDRC is dedicated to being a leader in the study of young children.  The CDRC is a state-of-the-art, 64,000 sq-ft research facility equipped with the latest multi-media research technology, 7 large research suites, and 8 research rooms.  The CDRC also has 10 children’s classrooms, complete with research and observation booths and access to a playground, which accommodates an on-site children’s program.  The Children’s Program is a laboratory school that enrolls students ages 0 – 5 yrs.  In addition, the CDRC houses Child Development Resources, which helps families across the state of Alabama, provide a safe, loving, and enriching life for their young children.

The Rise Center

The RISE Center is a nationally recognized early childhood education program. The program predominately serves young children with varying abilities, but also includes traditional learners. The RISE model is a unique blend of early childhood education, child development, early childhood special education, and integrated therapy. The purpose of the program is to optimally prepare children for their next educational environment, and to provide support to families. RISE is a part of the College of Human Environmental Studies at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa Alabama.

Other Helpful Resources, Activities and Programs:
Parenting Assistance Line
UA Speech and Hearing Center
Parent Resource Library
UA Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinic
UA Capstone Family Therapy Clinic
UA Psychology Clinic
Community Music School and Kindermusic Program
Big Al’s Kid’s Club

After School, Summer and Holiday Childcare

Kids Life

A free magazine available at many locations around town.  In the spring they have listings of different camps that will be available during the summer.

Local Organizations

Tuscaloosa City Schools has a Summer Learning Academy during the month of June, while YMCA of Tuscaloosa,  Boys and Girls Club of West Alabama, and Tuscaloosa Parks and Recreation Authority offers summer camps, camps for days that school is out, and after school programs.

211 Connects Alabama

Dial 211 to connect with services to support  Children, Youth, and Families: child care, after-school programs, Head Start, family resource centers, summer camps, and recreation programs, mentoring, tutoring, protective services.


University of Alabama Eldercare Resources

Alabama Caregiver Connect

Alabama Caregiver Connect was created by researchers, providers, and caregivers, to help Alabama caregivers get information they need about dementia and caregiving.

Alabama Research Institute on Aging

The mission of The Alabama Research Institute on Aging is to develop new knowledge, test new interventions, and disseminate information related to mental health and aging. Through applied interdisciplinary research, the CMHA promotes improved quality of life for older adults.

Alabama Community Eldercare Resources

Alzheimer’s Association – Alabama Chapter

The Alzheimer’s Association Helpline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in 140 languages. Highly trained staff, knowledgeable about all aspects of Alzheimer’s disease, can help you find your way through the many different components involved in dealing with Alzheimer’s disease. Staff can answer questions, provide tips and respite care options, assess your needs, point out available services within your community, provide referrals and help with planning, problem solving, and provide emotional support and supportive listening.

Area Agencies on Aging –West Alabama

The Area Agency on Aging of West Alabama is a non-profit agency covering Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Pickens, and Tuscaloosa Counties. The mission of the Area on Aging is to help a senior, or person with disability, remain living independently, in their own home, for as long as possible. Clicking one of the many links provides information on Medicare, Medicaid and many community resources for West Alabama. For counties outside of this area, see “NATIONAL ELDER CARE RESOURCES.”

Assisted Living in Alabama

AssistedLiving.org is dedicated to enhancing the lives of older adults by compiling comprehensive research, the latest studies, and real-world insight from experts, caregivers, and seniors into easy-to-understand, actionable guides and resources.

Caring Days

A day program for adults with Alzheimer’s and other memory disorders.  The goal of Caring Days is to provide quality of life to all clients by making sure they laugh and smile each day as well as providing much-needed respite for their caregivers

Capstone Village

The mission of Capstone Village is to provide premier retirement living in an atmosphere that promotes independence and lifelong learning. We seek to enhance the physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual well-being of our residents, calling upon the resources of a caring professional staff and a cohesive relationship with The University of Alabama.

Focus 50+

The mission of Focus 50+  is to meet the needs of seniors, enabling them to remain independent, active and healthy for as long as possible.  As a comprehensive social service organization, FOCUS offers programs and coordinates services that not only involve the elderly in meaningful activities but also assist families who provide care to older members.  FOCUS offers supportive services ranging from Chore Aid and Referral Services to Sitter Listings and Case Management Assistance.

National Eldercare Resources

Area Agencies on Aging – National

“The mission of AoA is to develop a comprehensive, coordinated and cost-effective system of home and community-based services that helps elderly individuals maintain their health and independence in their homes and communities.”

American Association of Retired Persons: AARP

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is the nation’s leading organization for people age 50 and older. It advocates for the needs and interests of older adults through providing information, education, programs and events.

National Center on Elder Abuse

Directed by the U.S. Administration for Community Living (previously Administration on Aging), the NCEA is a resource for local, state and national policy makers, social service, health care practitioners, the justice system, researchers, advocates, and families. Their primary mission is to ensure that organizations throughout the United States that work with the elderly will help to insure that older Americans are able to live with dignity, integrity, independence and without abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

The National Council on the Aging (NCOA)            

The National Council on the Aging (NCOA) primarily works with community organizations and professionals to promote the dignity, self-determination and well-being of older persons through a wide variety of services and programs.

Elder Care Locator

The Eldercare locator is a public service of the U.S. Administration for Community Living. It provides local information, referral resources, and contact information for state and local agencies, from the United States’ Health and Human Services.