Classification and Compensation FAQs

1. Why did UA do this study?

HReimagined identified a need to address the former classification and compensation system that was last updated over two decades ago.  The new classification system will help position the University to continue retaining our current staff and recruit future top talent to support our strategic priorities.  

2. Will any employee receive a pay increase as a result of the study?

To improve the competitiveness of our salaries, about 15-18% of all staff will see pay increases to the minimum of their new assigned pay grade in the initial phase.  The increase should not be construed as recognition for outstanding performance.

3. Will any employee see a decrease in pay as a result of this classification and compensation study?


4. Although an employee’s pay will not decrease, will a new title be a step down from a current title?

The majority of job titles already accurately reflect the responsibilities of a position, so no change will occur.  In some cases, a new job title may be assigned to better reflect the duties and responsibilities being carried out. 

5. Will any employee lose their job as a result of this classification and compensation study?


6. Will additional staff receive pay increases after the initial phase? If so, when?

The goal for further staff increases is to incorporate plans into the annual budget preparation process for the next fiscal year. We recognize that not all identified compensation needs will be met in the first year, but the plan is to address more in future budget years. Any future salary adjustments will be subject to Board of Trustees approval and subject to the university’s available funds.

 7. No one talked to me about my duties. How can I be certain my job description, and therefore compensation, accurately reflects what I do?

Coincident and complementary to this study, managers have had the opportunity to update position descriptions in support of the new performance review system implemented in March of 2023. In addition, as part of this study, college and division leaders provided input on positions in their areas and the new compensation and classification system.  Departments had the opportunity to submit position description updates throughout the study.  Over 2,160 position descriptions have been updated since December 2022.

 8. Were other universities used for comparison purposes? If yes, how were they determined?

Yes. In consultation with UA leadership and our consultant, Deloitte, a peer list of 30 universities was created and is comprised of a mixture of SEC, ACC, and other large conference universities of similar size, scope, and complexity.

 9. When will the new pay grades be available for review?

The new pay grades will be posted online January 30th.

10. Will faculty pay changes be coming as well?

The Provost is working on a plan for faculty salaries with a goal of incorporating some funding for increases in the annual budget preparation process for the next fiscal year. Any future salary adjustments increases will be subject to Board of Trustees approval and subject to the university’s available funds.

11. Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

Questions should be directed through your chain of command, starting with your immediate supervisor.

12. Does each title in the Job Title Glossary have an assigned pay grade?

No.  The Job Title Glossary serves to create a common understanding of and facilitate consistent use of commonly used job titles across The University of Alabama. It lists and defines common terms seen in individual contributor staff and management job titles across the University.

The common term (considered a “root term”) in the glossary is generally combined with a function or family to provide for an official position title. The official position title is assigned to a pay grade based on the relevant market data for the duties and responsibilities the position will perform.  See the Staff Classification and Compensation Study webpage for more details.

13. My current pay rate is close to the maximum for my new range. Will I still be able to receive a merit increase?  

When authorized by the Board of Trustees, merit increases may be recommended for eligible employees. Merit increases should be linked to the performance of each employee based on the annual performance review.

14. My title changed with the compensation study. How do I reflect the change on my resume, social media account, or other public-facing document?

To show a change in title when job responsibilities have not changed, you can create stacked entries under the same employer header (example below).

Work Experience

 The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Accounting Assistant III, February 2024 – Present (Title change due to University classification structure update)

Accounting Specialist, May 2022 – February 2024

  1. Responsibility 1
  2. Responsibility 1