Career Tracks & Levels

A career track is a job classification structure that defines job levels and career paths for employees. Career levels are used to differentiate jobs within an organization and represent the level of authority, expertise, and other factors.

Management Career Track

Work that involves achieving organizational goals and objectives through the direct management of people and teams.

The primary function of the employee’s time is the management of work and outcomes through others.

Management positions are involved in the planning, executing, monitoring and performance outcomes of others, in addition to specialized duties that are solely performed by management incumbents

Entry Level Management

A position responsible for providing staff with day-to-day direction of task-oriented work in alignment with departmental procedures and objectives.

Mid Level Management

A position responsible for setting the overall direction for staff members and holding staff accountable to departmental policies and objectives.

Upper/Senior Level Management

A position that manages a department or functional area comprised of multiple teams led by Managers.

Executive Level Management

A position that sets overall direction and short- and long-term strategic goals for an individual job function, department, and/or unit or similar.

President's Cabinet

The highest-ranking executives responsible for major operational area(s).

Professional Career Track

Work that requires the consistent application of knowledge, usually acquired though a college degree or a combination of specialized training, certification, and experience in a specialized field that will provide comparable knowledge.


A position that applies theoretical job knowledge typically obtained through advanced education.


A position that applies job knowledge obtained through advanced education and work experience.


A position that applies advanced job knowledge obtained through advanced education and work experience.


A Lead counsels and guides others in an assigned job area. A Specialist demonstrates a high degree of proficiency and skill in an assigned job area through advanced education and work experience.


A position that demonstrates comprehensive and deep knowledge or skill in an assigned job area through advanced education and work experience.


A national or world-renowned industry expert in an assigned job area. A top-level contributor and technical leader that operates at a strategic level in an area of expertise.

Clerical Career Track

Roles that are responsible for providing support or services to the organization.

Roles may be required to work in a “hands-on” environment in order to support day-to-day objectives.

The majority of the employee’s time is typically spent in the delivery of activities under supervision with direct impact on assigned area. Problems are typically solved through knowledge of past practices and procedural guidelines.


A position typically requiring little to no prior knowledge or experience.


A position that requires basic knowledge of job procedures and tools obtained through work experience.


A position that requires broad knowledge of operational procedures and tools obtained through extensive work experience.


A position that advises and counsels others within an assigned job area.

Skilled Trades/Service/Maintenance

Roles that are technical or operationally focused and are vital to the ongoing functioning of the organization.

Roles are comprised of qualified staff who are often highly specialized in a trade.

The majority of an employee’s time is spent on tasks that have a direct influence on the area to which they are allocated. A specialized external certification or completion of a technical school degree is generally required for these positions.


A position at the entry point of a technical or operationally focused field, typically requiring a fundamental understanding of the field of work with knowledge normally acquired through specialized education and training.


A position that is fully proficient and productive and requires practical understanding of a trade or field of work and processes that can be applied with moderate supervision.


A position that requires extensive understanding of a trade or field of work that can be applied with little to no supervision. Regularly provides technical work guidance.


A position that requires advanced skills to complete the complex aspects of a job. Regularly provides technical work guidance and/or counsels others in assigned job area. Holds additional administrative responsibilities.