UA Employees Return to Campus

In anticipation of employees returning to campus as the University opens for the fall semester, please update your spreadsheets containing group assignments that are in Box.  These are the spreadsheets that were created in March when group assignments were initially made.  If any of your employees are returning to campus full-time or reporting to campus part-time before the end of the semester (this is an amendment of the previous date of September 15, 2020 that was originally posted in this communication). please make sure they are in Group 1.  Part-time return to campus could be as often as two or three days a week to as little as once a month.  The information on the updated spreadsheets will allow us to adequately prepare for the return of employees on campus.


Group 2 employees are expected to work remotely until at least the end of the semester (this is an amendment of the previous date of September 15, 2020 that was originally posted in this communication).  Please keep this in mind as you consider whether an employee should be assigned to Group 1 or Group 2.  If the employees are productive and effective while working remotely and not needed on campus, they should be assigned to Group 2 and continue to work remotely.


Per the announcement in the July 14, 2020, edition of Inside UA for Faculty and Staff, testing will be conducted on campus beginning July 20.  Employees must be tested for COVID-19 before returning to campus.  The announcement in Inside UA contains more details regarding testing.


If you have any questions, please call me at 205.792.3677 or email me at